Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010


I think that excally the right way to choosing the time and many geografic landscape is we all agree that GMT is the center of the earth we making the time schedule but I think that I also agree with MMT becuase the MMT is the kiblat or the center of the islamic guide line becuase when we are going to playing that we should be face to the kiblat and that is mean Mekkah . I think this cases almost same as the century time and islamic time and I think that according to the test and the observation from galelio that all the day, month and year is counting on the earth rotation to sun and that as we know that we could be read on the history book such BC until the millinium time such right now and the islamic time is according to the earth rotation to the moon or we could called as syamsia and qamaria time thus we could see such the new year that celebrating to all the world citizen is the century that we all celebrating all day and as moslem we also know the islamic new year that celebrating by moslem but I think the time is still be on GMT and the kiblat and always be in Mekkah .


Arief R

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