Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

The Orbit
And Tune Up Utilities

I think that if you want to watching the videos and you could using this orbit and tune up uitilites but I think you should be carefull becuase this is hard and I think that you all need to know much about downloading the software and I think that would be fine if you just downloading orbit for easy way to increasing your internet speed videos accelaration .


Arief R

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

Mr Boediyono
And The Economic

I think that I should be sorry before giving this article but I just want to giving my opinion about Mr Boediyono is good vise president . I think all economic indicator is good the Rupiah is good and the stock is good and all the price is good the rice price is good and the VGA card price is reasoable and many thing that I could not mention in this article but truely with the good economic indicator would making our activity especially for software and hardware industry could be spend much money that mean effective and effisien for business .


Arief R

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

The Mozilla Firefox

I think that you gonna be need this . I think that you are the mozilla firefox mania and want to playing internet in many where you could using the mozilla firefox portable if there is no need to worry it could copy and paste and taking back after you using this mozilla firefox and it helping you playing and browsing internet in anywhere by using mozilla firefox portable .


Arief R

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

The etic
In Internet

I think we should making the etic becuase all professional need etic . I think we should always becarefull in making any comment and I think we should always keep our etic and this is an etic on internet . I think we should be keeping solidity and always keeping respect each other . I think the other is no making any statement around everything that had some conflict in ras and do not making any statement that relating with religion and other dangerous thing is forbidden writing on internet unless for political think except had been allowing by the autority that had been in chart on this matter . I think that is all about the etic on internet and every violation had their own risk.


Arief R
My Appology
To Zone Alarm

I think that I would appology to Zone Alarm but I think you should contact the professional programmer that making your software could be install on the computer user . I think that I should be greatfull and giving my big appreciation to kaspersky that internet is safe and could be using for everybody including me .


Arief R

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

The Soda Man As The Movie
And PC Or PS Games

I think that you gonna be like this games . I think soda man is good games and you could playing in gamesgames .com and I think this would be wonderfull as the movie or even PC and PS games . I giving big appreciation to this games and hopely many great games like this would be product in many internet games such soda man . Let,s had big fun with soda man !


Arief R

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

The Zone Alarm
And The Shutting Down

I think that I am sorry for the latest internet security is more applicable but I think that if I don,t chossing the ZA becuase I have some problem with shutting down activity . I think there are three processs of shutting down is stand by , restart and shutting down without this it would be crashing your VGA card . I have some problem when I downloading the ZA is I could not shutting down my computer or it might be a new way to shut down the computer is by passing shutting down if I using ZA . I don,t mean to humaliating but this is true I hoping it could be solving in the next future time .


Arief R

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

The Facebook
And The Friendship

I think that if you want to get many friend you should had facebook , twitter and might be friendster with this you could earn many friend and had many advantage but I just want to giving tip for you the facebook mania . I think you should cheating with the people you know and the friend from your school , hobby club and friend in many field but do not speak with stranger and always be together and always contact your parent before you do something and always asking your parent before you really want to meeting with your facebook friend .


Arief R

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

The Yahoo

I think after geocities were closed that I would like to declare that I am not responsible to any content or any videos content in yahoo that I think that yahoo with Mr Jerry Yan inside is more better than now but I hoping that it always be better in next future time . I am sorry no mean to humaliating anybody but I just want to declare that I am not responsible any more in many yahoo content .


Arief R
The Internet Security
To Avoid From Malware
And Other Threat

I think with the high development of internet had many impact including the malware , virus and other threat and I think the most important think that we should aware is virus and malware such trojan and other thing . I think Zone Alarm and kaspersky is the best anti virus and could protecting you when you using internet . I think if you using Zone Alarm you could threat it with deleted and done your malware or virus and for free ZA hopely visit and with kaspersky is protecting your privat data when you using internet and it might be the benefit or a little problem but these internet security might be usefull for protecting your office computer .


Arief R

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

How To Download
Kaspersky And ZA

I think that if you like to download kaspersky and your computer had Avira just moving avira and enter kaspersky and this is the easy anti virus that could fill in with internet security but I don,t want to giving comment about others . I think we should back to the topic how to download kaspersky and I have been tell you before . I just want to adding for how to remove the kasperksy all you need is disable your internet connection and removing and uninstall your kaspersky and enter ZA and fill up the standard and no common so you all could be access ZA internet security but to protect you from virus please download ZA anti virus and waiting your download and don,t forget to watching tv becuase it is around 118 Mb but that you will have it for long lasting life and free .


Arief R
The Apreciating

I would like to thank you to HDM and I promoting you to upgrade your computer in HDM even I don,t want interfere about this but I just want to say thank you and my computer right now could access the internet with fast but secure and thank you to all the supporter and stock market and all bank and other institution and now we could playing the games and had ZA with good quality .


Arief R

Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

The Reporting
Around The Computer

I just want to tell that my computer is almost done and just adding the memory RAM and the cost is good and efficience around U$ 110 or around Rp 1.200.000 and I hoping this would be making user could be access freeonlinegames whether on Pc or internet cafe .


Arief R

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

The Kerispatih

I don,t want to interfere about the law cases but I think sammy kerispatih all you need is your lawyer to helping you in your cases . I think that Mr sammy and deeply hoping you ti carefull in many kind of your acting would be having big impact in your good name and I hoping that your cases would be ending soon .


Arief R

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

The New Software
For FOG .com

I have a good news for you all that if we could had a good hardware around 1 Gb for pentium and and 800 Mb RAM that for you and we could playing the internet games such FOG and in the future we could be focusing on increasing our investment for making the better life and good prosperity for everybody .


Arief R