Istiqfar To
Erasing Our Sin
Erasing Our Sin
I think that if you want to study about Al Asmaul Husna and you should know a lot about Islam and I think that you all should be affraid of god and many thing that source from quran and hadist that you must know about this becuase this is the name of Allah and you should know a lot about Islam but I think that I was saying this just as a moslem and the other thing as my spiritual teacher that istiqfar is some way to erasing our sin as moslem and doing this without hoping anything but your life would be blessing by Allah in every prayer for 100 account and don,t forget to shalawat to prophet Muhammad and ending with subhanaka robbika robbi izzati ama ya syifun wa salammun ala mursalin , wal hamdulillahi robbil alamin . I am sorry and hopely usefull for you and the right is come from Allah and I am sorry if anything wrong in this article . wa salam !
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