The 6 Principle Of Iman
5 principle of Islam And Ikhsan
5 principle of Islam And Ikhsan
I think that if you want to be a good moslem that you should obey the 6 principle of iman and 5 principle of Islam and Ikhsan . I think that everybody want to know about ikhsan and I think ikhsan is thatwe all know that Allah is could be watching and even we could see Allah and we should be making sure that Allah see us and I think that to everyone that could be do all of this and I think they would be easy to read zikir and asmaul husna and you gonna find your success and happiness but unless you could not do all of this all disaster and horrible thing could probably happened to you becuase you are making the lies with Allah and Allah really hate all of human and specially moslem that making lies to Allah and remember that making lies with Allah is the same as lies to themself and so please do all of this but I think the true is come from Allah and the mistake and wrong is come from me and I sorry but this is all my personal opinion as moslem and remember that Allah never lies what of His promises and your wish only be happened by Allah wish .
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