Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

The Java version 6
Updated 21 And Framework

I think that if there is any internet user that asking about the java version 6 updated 21 and to avoid the damage or error that I just want to giving the tip and the suggest that excally this java version 6 updated 21 is based on the oracle program or framework. Therefore you gonna be install the framework in many version and after install the framework thus you could install java version 6 updated 21 and enjoy your games and that is all about the java version 6 updated 21 and I hoping this could be usefull for you all the internet user and internet games .


Arief R

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

The Direct

I think this is a good news for many internet user and you gonna enjoy much better internet games or even the good internet games . I think this software games should be one of your references to making your games experience more enjoyable . I think the direct 9.29 gonna be a good software games and you will enjoy playing with this software games and the newest component in this software games is june 2010 and you will enjoy many great games by downloading the direct 9.29 and enjoy your games .


Arief R

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

The Anti Hacker

I think that every internet cafe gonna be need this software and I think the anti hacker software could helping you as the internet operator could be watching and seeing about the internet activity and I think this could be track the internet user activity and if there is any internet hacker could be known by this software but I think that still could be watching the internet activity whether there is any hacker or just a little experiment software could watching by this software and I hoping this could usefull for internet user but there is any noting from me that this software gonna need software for running around this software .

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

The Budget
For Internet And Stock

I think that I always insist and trying to keeping the internet budget and stock is still being afford and I think that I always hoping that every side and every internet part and please be pray and I think that I hoping that we could be still be exist on internet and stock and they could be growing well as usual .


Arief R
The New Page
For Contract

I think becuase of the house contractor couldn,t be paying the house payment that I think my family had been choosing to open the new page for contract but I think the police contractor is still could be stay becuase of always pay on the right time and I think that is all and I hoping that the new page for contract could be opened and around the September 15 and the day after the September 15 th that new page of contract is opening for the brand contractor .


Arief R

I think that I don,t want to discuss this website any futher but I think that I isn,t me that making this website and I don,t know that if there is any side that making this website that I could not making any much futher comment around this website .


Arief R
The Pipe
Link Games

I think that would be a great adventure to playing the pipe link games and I think that many great thing and and many trouble and obstacle when you linking the pipe and exspecially under water and this gonna be a great adventure games that linking the pipe under the sea and I think this could be usefull for any internet gamer that like adventure games .


Arief R

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

The Internet
Security Function

I think that to making the internet easy to using for everybody all you need is kaspersky and other internet security and that was very complect and I have been discuss and had been agreeing by many internet expert and it was being agreeing by many moslem cleric and that was true and only with internet security that you could playing internet but still being good moslem and I think that if there is any mistake from ISP and I think that ISP should be making some appology and I think that is all about the internet security function and I think please using it wisely and using it as well as their function .


Arief R

I think that you gonna like this website games and this games is gonna be one of your games list and I think this website games is good and many great internet games feature that you could play on this website games is great games and with many games feature gonna making your games experience more enjoy with and enjoy your internet games .


Arief R

The Good News
For Movie Mania

I think that this a good news for many movie mania that we had opened the movie shopping but not center just simple shop that selling the good movie and VCD with good quality and reasonable price and only less then U$ 1 but this is ok and many great movie from action , drama , comedy and so on . I am sorry but I think that movie is some kind of professional thing and I think that I just giving the good news for many movie mania and there is any movie genre from the west to the east from Asia to India movie and there would be any great movie that you could buying on this simple shop and enjoy your movie and sorry by the thing I have done and this article is pure about movie program .


Arief R

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

The Hunter x Hunter
Internet Games

I think that would be interesting to making the hunterxhunter internet games and this could be wonderfull for many internet user and this gonna be a great idea to making the internet games hunterxhunter in many version such action and adventure and I think this games version or games genre could be usefull for many internet user and internet gamer in many where .


Arief R

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010


I think this is a great news for many internet user is the great games website and with this that you could playing many great games and I think that I just transfering the report from any other games explorer and I think this gonna be your great games feature and I think that you should trying this website games and enjoy your games experience with and have a nice games .


Arief R
The Border
Around The Train Track

I think that we should be building the border around the train track and before the idul fitri that we wish that all the border had been building and to avoid many disaster on the train track and I think that it was good if all the train track had the border and I think that I am sorry but I think this is the autority of the PT KAI but I think that PT KAI had doing their professionality as well and I think with the border this could be making the PT KAI more good and I hoping this could be usefull for many train passager .


Arief R

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

The Internet
Hardware Monitor

I think this is a good software and also the good news for the internet user if you had some problem with virus and you could using the malware byte and if you want to check up your hardware condition then you could using speccy and you could be seeing and monitoring your hardware and if there is any problem with software please contact your pc admin or your hardware shop and repairing your pc and I hoping this could be usefull for any internet user and this software gonna be a good friend for you when your monitoring your pc .


Arief R
The Great Website

I think that this is a good news for many internet user and I think you better see on the website and there is a brand news website that you could find on the website and I think that you gonna be like this website games such and this is a great games and also www.start online games .com and I think that you will enjoy your games and still I think that you should be carefull when you playing the games and I am sorry becuase playing the games is for everybody but still depending on their own religion and believer and but still I should be admitting that this is a good and great online games website and congratulation and hopely find another games website on the future and more website games and more profit for internet industry .


Arief R

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

The Cast
And Credit On House Payment

I think that if the house contractor could not pay on cash that could be on credit but I think that should be right on time and this gonna making all the side was greatfull and I think that it could be usefull for user especially that had doing the house rent business field .


Arief R
The Contract
And The Obligation Around It

I think there is the agreement between the house owner and the houser renter and I think that I think that every house contractor should be always obey and routient to pay the rent and I think that we always giving many light stipulation and I think that that if the house contractor is having the concienceness and awareness to pay the house rent and we would thinking about the house building and any other thing to making the renovation to the house that would be usefull for house contractor .


Arief R

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

The Panda
Global Protection Setting

I think that this is the good news for many internet user that had the computer with minimum requirement around pentium III and 128 Mb RAM and I think this software is hard to be install but never mind and the most important think that your data is load and doesn,t corrupt and the the data is around 73.3 MB and I think with this that your installer would be running on your computer and about the setting and please choosing the threeth data with costum mode but this data doesn,t including anti virus and you could using many anti virus such comodo and probably Mbam or Malware Byte Anti Malware and virus and other but remember you have to download and register the data and there is any web installer data and you gonna be receiving be anywhere drive and fill in the blank and password and setting the parental control and waiting until you could apply the application and ok and your panda global protection would be running properly and that is all and hope usefull and this internet security is able to access and that is all and thank you !
The Comodo
Anti Virus And Panda
Global Protection

I think that if you are insist to using the hardware and want to downloading the internet security and I think that you could be using comodo anti virus because panda global protection is might be had internet treat as virus that called as trojan and it could be breaking the system and after that and I don,t know about panda global protection and we all hoping that it could be lauching soon and could using the internet as well and could be using for many blogspot website .


Arief R
The Alert For Any
Internet Cafe Operator

I think that alert is the only thing that we should always do and I think that after seeing that many internet cafe had product a little money and that we should always be careful and always be alert becuase that we all should admitted that every kind of great business would be attracting some other side that had another purpose and I think that we should always alert and taking care our property well and I could not mention much futher about this article becuase it would be relating on policemen autority and that is all and I hoping the best for internet cafe and the business growing and business fund and internet business industry .


Arief R

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

The Unity
Web Player 2.0

I think you gonna be like this software the unity web player had a new version of software games and I think that you gonna be like this software and usefull when you playing the 3d games but also need direct but excally you need to download direct before installing other games software and also the internet security and anti virus and other games software and I think this software could helping you playing the online games with great experience and great adventure games with unity web player 2.0 and enjoy your games .


Arief R

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

To All Tourist
In Indonesia

I think that I was very glad and I please all the tourist to visiting Indonesia and I think that we all always be appreciating people who come to Indonesia and I think even bo bo ho the hao comedian is like and I think that bo bo ho is had many great movie and the funny movie and I like funny movie and also there is many great barongsai here and that is all and I hoping that everybody would like to visit Indonesia and we would welcome you with nice and smile .


Arief R
The Tolerant On
Many Professional Field
On Proporsional Way

I think that after you learning many thing such I was mention and the other is tolerant on many porfessional field becuase with the tolerant we could respect each other and getting know with each other but still on the proporsional way and with this that you gonna be a better person but I think you better asking Mr Mario Teguh for more super motivation and that is all for my experience as personal blogger and by doing this I think that you could become more success even not but you will be better as the person .


Arief R

The Concentrate
The Key Of Success

I think that after we learn about the religion according to the internet user religion and believer and the other component to be a good internet user and else is concentrate and becuase only the concentrate and good skill and ability and patient is making people or making us could be getting better on doing something or learning something and I think that we could remember a lot way even it was so hard to remember by doing in everyday of your life and so the concentrate and patient and practice making you able to be something or to become the professional in many field and so be concentrate and patient and carefull then it would making you as good person .


Arief R

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

The Road
Project On Gamprit

I think that you gonna be laughing about this name but truely excally there was the road project on Gamprit and I think it gonna be difference with gambut and so on but I just joking and I think that I just want to declare becuase the would be many migration before during the fasting day and until the day after fasting day and I think this wondefull thing that making the road project on Gamprit and I think for the car is and please asking the people on there but for the motorcycle is could be fast but you gonna need to watching the road marker and I think that you gonna be using this road but still becarefull and enjoy your trip .


Arief R

Remember To
Allah In Everytime

I think that we should always remember Allah in everytime of our time and in the crowd or in the silent and I think that Allah would guide you and your wish and all of your problem could releasing as soon as possible .


Arief R
The 6 Principle Of Iman
5 principle of Islam And Ikhsan

I think that if you want to be a good moslem that you should obey the 6 principle of iman and 5 principle of Islam and Ikhsan . I think that everybody want to know about ikhsan and I think ikhsan is thatwe all know that Allah is could be watching and even we could see Allah and we should be making sure that Allah see us and I think that to everyone that could be do all of this and I think they would be easy to read zikir and asmaul husna and you gonna find your success and happiness but unless you could not do all of this all disaster and horrible thing could probably happened to you becuase you are making the lies with Allah and Allah really hate all of human and specially moslem that making lies to Allah and remember that making lies with Allah is the same as lies to themself and so please do all of this but I think the true is come from Allah and the mistake and wrong is come from me and I sorry but this is all my personal opinion as moslem and remember that Allah never lies what of His promises and your wish only be happened by Allah wish .


Arief R
The Shockwave

I think that you gonna be like this software games . I think the shockwave 11.5.7 and this gonna be a great games and you could search and using this to playing the great games and especially for the shockwave games that is gonna be usefull for you and for the website please check on your games explorer and I hoping this could be usefull for many internet user .


Arief R

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

The Big Appreciation
To All Internet Officer

I would like to giving my big appreciation and I was salut and giving all my big appreciation to all internet employee , operator and especially to all internet officer and I think that we all care about internet and I was very impress and I was greatfull that all the side that had been involving on internet was spend the day , noon and moonlight to keeping the internet still could be exist in the IT industry and I just want to making announce that we should always growing and developing the internet and always be carefull and always do the best to guide the internet as our brand new future .


Arief R
The Article
For Many Great Games

I think that excally I was delibrating this website games explorer and I hoping that it should be doing as professional and I hoping that if you found the great games and you better making the article and write down the name of the websites games and I think that we also doing it as professional thing and please write down your report and I think that we always be care about the salary and all the infrastructure that we always care and I was impress with flonga , youyouwin and and you doing your duty well and maybe better in the next future time but this is good and excelent if you are understand about your duty as games explorer .


Arief R
The Case Between
Indonesia And Malaysia

I think that I don,t want to interfere the Indonesia And Malaysia cases but I hoping that Malaysia and begging malaysia to releasing our Indonesia officer and I think that Indonesia would be a good friend of you and you could also using internet but I hoping that every nation would be a good friend of Indonesia and in the real meaning of friend and I hoping all the best for both country whether Indonesia and Malaysia .


Arief R

Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

About My Article

I think that I am sorry becuase I don,t mean to humaliating every internet user but I think and if there is any my mistake in my article that I am sorry and I think that there is everybody is want to be happy and I am sorry if there is my article it might be a little confiusing but I think that we need to be serious in many obligation cases and I think that is all that I can,t anything beside sorry. I just want to declare that is all my personal opinion .


Arief R

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010


I think that excally the right way to choosing the time and many geografic landscape is we all agree that GMT is the center of the earth we making the time schedule but I think that I also agree with MMT becuase the MMT is the kiblat or the center of the islamic guide line becuase when we are going to playing that we should be face to the kiblat and that is mean Mekkah . I think this cases almost same as the century time and islamic time and I think that according to the test and the observation from galelio that all the day, month and year is counting on the earth rotation to sun and that as we know that we could be read on the history book such BC until the millinium time such right now and the islamic time is according to the earth rotation to the moon or we could called as syamsia and qamaria time thus we could see such the new year that celebrating to all the world citizen is the century that we all celebrating all day and as moslem we also know the islamic new year that celebrating by moslem but I think the time is still be on GMT and the kiblat and always be in Mekkah .


Arief R
The Renovation Of Road
And The Barricade Of Road

I think that excally that we could travel in many where but I think that if there is any renovation of the road is very realistic to making the barricade to avoid the rider and the tractor would be finishing the road as soon as possible but I think that if you are found the cases such the road renovation and better found another way to drive and I think I hoping that all the barricade of the road is might be caused by the renovation of the road but there is no other purpose and I think that all the road is needed to be renovation and there is no other interest beside just giving my opinion and reason that I choosing another way to drive to my internet cafe .


Arief R

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

The Super Ranger

I think that super ranger is not only power ranger and many great super ranger and I think this is a good opportunity to making the games such another ranger beside power ranger and this might be fun and excally the most important thing is easy to be play by many internet user and I hoping that usefull for many internet user and else .


Arief R
The SpeedInternet Accelarator
On Personal PC

I think that you should not using the speed internet accelarator on your personal pc or in your home pc and I think that is danger becuase we don,t know that it could be using and I just want to noting that the modem on internet cafe is complect and it might be complicated but the hardware is complete and no need to worry using speed internet accelarator but never mind that still could be watching videos but do not force the speed becuase it could be danger and damage your hardware or ADSL modem and that is all and I hoping this could be usefull for internet user .


Arief R
The Agricultural

I think that I just want to helping the agricultural bank and this is a good bank and good for investing and helping the farmer when they want to buying some seed or else and I think that is all I want to giving my opinion about agricultural bank .


Arief R

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

The Tip
Of Choosing Obligation

I just want to giving some tip how to using the obligation instrument and I think that you should know becuase if you want to making some relating and excally all the business and other relationship business such obligation and it have to be making many benefit to all the costumer that using the obligation and I think that if you need more money and I think you better taking a little or taking the profit from the obligation becuase if you are taking all of your money that you gonna lose your right to having the obligation and I think you should asking the islamic religion teacher and your business teacher for more futher information about it and I think you could also check on islamiccity about my article and if you had more large financial and I think that better to be increasing .


Arief R
The Good

I think in many kind of the professional field would be face some conflict and I think that if you want to do something that always having the good communication and that is all could releasing the conflict and I just want to announce that on internet industry always base on competition but remember the smart people is need to be a good person becuase only the good person and professionalizm and all the professional thing and all the activity of professional activity would be success and achieving the company goal and I was impress and I think that in the process of internet activity and finally all the crue know and giving the good contribution to internet growing activity and thank you and I hoping all the best that internet , stock and other could growing well as it can be .


Arief R

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

The SpeedInternet Accelator
And News Vidoes Business Website

I think that this is a good news for all the internet user and excally if you using the speed internet accelarator that you could playing many website on the web could be watching by you in many where including on your internet games cafe with using the speed internet accelartor and I have been trying the vidoes from yahoo and and this software is supporting this website and you could see the videos with spee internet accelarator but remember to using GOM Player and also please waiting for a while becuase this software need a little time of process and enjoy your surfing with speed internet accelarator .


Arief R
The Hardware for Speed
Internet Accelator

I think that I have running the speed internet accelator on pentium 3 and I got a little trouble and the program could not be running on pentium 3 but I think for core 2 duo and I think that it could be running as well as it can be . I think that we could be making some resume or we could be making some conclusion that the speed internet accelator could be running on core2duo and 400 Mb RAM is suitable for speed internet accelator and I hoping this could be usefull for internet user.


Arief R

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

The Adventure

I think that this gonna be a nice idea the adventure in air , water and land this all gonna being liked to the costumer and I think that if we could be implementing this and there is many website and many great adventure games that could be consuming by the internet games user and that would be a great opportunity for internet games vendor to developing games as well and without being want to making some competition with the other but this is a good opportunity for internet games .


Arief R
To Islamiccity

I think that I would like to giving my big appreciation to islamiccity and I think that islamiccity is still be focused on the islamic article and in this ramadhan month these all article making the moslem having many knowledge and these article helping the moslem know about islam and it might be the references to making them had spirit to doing their prayer and I think that is and I hoping that islamiccity always be success and I am sorry that this article doesn,t mean to humaliating each other but these all just my personal opinion as moslem .


Arief R
The Games
Booster 1.51

I think that you gonna need this software website the games booster 1.51 that would be nice and good for the games and this is faster than games booster 1.5 and I hoping this could be usefull for many internet user and making easy to play the internet games with this website and enjoy your games .


Arief R
The Games

I think I am a little sad but that is ok becuase of my internet duty that more comprehensive and many thing that I should be observation and I think that I am gonna open the chance to be the games explorer and your duty is seach and found many great games that could being the references for the internet user but I just want to noting something and please explore the great and good games website and this could be is usefull for internet user and I am gonna focused on the games software and other software that relating to the internet .


Arief R
Happy Ramadhan
And Sorry For All
The Mistake On My Article

I think that we gonna face the ramadhan and I think that to all everybody that celebrate ramadhan and I would like to saya happy ramadhan and I sorry to all mistake on my article and during ramadhan we should be always doing in the nice way and always obey the rule and always driving well and I am sorry if any mistake of mine and I think that we should always pray that internet could growing as well and the internet always be on the good condition .


Arief R

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

The Game Booster
And Kaspersky

I think that I am sorry but I still that if you want to play the games using kaspesky that you better using game booster becuase this software is also good and very good on kaspersky and that is all up to the internet user to choosing the software .


Arief R

The Speed Internet

I think that you gonna be like this software this software was called by the name of speed internet accelarator is good software and you gonna like this software. I think many internet product that could be speed up by this software but If you want to play games and just watching the games just using game booster but if you want to see the internet tv and you could using this software but this software could be running at the same time with game booster but that is ok and I think this software could making you writting on blogspot just using TIS and I hoping this could be usefull for many internet user and speed up your pc or internet browser with this software .


Arief R
The Suspended
Of Free Online Games

I just want to tell the internet games user that free online games had been suspender but I don,t want to interfere the matter of free online games but excally I think that suspended is always be depend on the website violation and I think this suspended is not fair becuase it doesn,t seem to be objective becuase about violation according to the rule and I am sorry that I think that I should be objective but if there is any mistake from free online games that I don,t know and I hope that this cases could be solving as soon as possible for the stability of games activity .


Arief R
The Train To
Getting Communication With Other

I think I don,t know how to express my word but I think this is ridiculous and I think that the train is for every passager that had been ticketing and they could be going to many where but I think that getting conversation with everybody is some kind of obligation becuase we are the social creature and I think that everything that we want to having girlfriend or fionce or else that we should be communicating but I think that we should know how to do that and according to value and hospitality but if there is any passager that want to be making the train is special for woman or man I don,t how to explain this but remember that we should need the other and that the god is making male and female to be partner of the other so they could know each other .


Arief R
The Internet Cafe
And The Secment of Costumer

I think that I want to giving some suggestion it might be two way to using the computer such making the good internet security for watching movies and Tv and the other using the great software such mc affee total protection it could be running on pentium 3 and 256 Mb RAM or using kaspersky that could be running on pentium 3 and 500 Mb RAM and this could be using for many internet activity such photos and writting the article via internet and I hoping this could be usefull for all internet user .


Arief R

Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

Pendapat Saya
Tentang Endang Kurniawan

Saya hendak mendengar khabar bahwa adanya penggelapan dana yang dilakukan broker yang bernama endang kurniawan saya bukan ingin melakukan intervensi hukum dan semua keputusan hukum adalah merupakan kewenangan pihak yang berwajib . Kendati demikian saya cuma ingin mengungkapkan pendapat saya karena yang saya ketahui bahwa bapak endang kurniawan ini adalah merupakan broker yang baik , jujur dan terpercaya saya tidak mengetahui kasus yang terjadi padanya namun tidak pernah ada pelanggaran dan penggelapan dana selama beliau menjadi broker saya sewaktu masih bernama bali sekuritas yang sekarang telah menjadi pilar mas sekuritas yang merupakan PT sekuritas dimana saya melakukan investasi .


Arief R

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

My Pure Appreciation
To Mr Tardjo

I think that is all my pure appreciation to Mr Tardjo and I think that I am sorry that this is all my pure apreciation and no other purpose beside giving my pure deep sympaty to Mr Tardjo and that is all .


Arief R
The Deep Sympaty
For Mr Sutardjo

I would like to giving my big appreciation to Mr Sutadjo and I think that Mr sutardjo is good politician and I think that I as induvidu and person had owe many thing from Mr Sutardjo and I don,t want to interfere about the political matter but I just want to giving my big appreciation for Mr Sutardjo and you are nice person and nice politician and we never forget your contribution and I think this is objective opinion as writter and please except my deep sympaty for Mr Tardjo and thank you !


Arief R

My Objective
Opinion About Musician

I think that is all my objective opinion about music and I think that is all for my article .


Arief R
The musician
And The Management

I think that every profressional is noble and I think that if you are musician that you should be taking course from the voice and vocalist course or the instrument course and I think that if you learning those course that making you having some good way on becoming the music arrangement and I think beside that the most important thing that you should be know about management and you also should be know about spend your money when you being retired from the music or it might be you having some vacum time to making music . I think that investment is the answer to making you still could be exist and the other thing is you should know about the investment you will take such stock market , property and else and I think that is all and I hoping this could be usefull for the internet user and remember that begin from the little thing would be product the bigger ones .


Arief R
TheMosque Renovation

I think that I want to answer the question about mosque renovation and I just want to declare that it was build by my personal fund from stock market and I think that I just want to giving my little profit or salary to helping the mosque and excally not the mosque that I mean the mushalla and this same like mosque but more little side then mosque and I think all my concern is about the internet and software and games is always be focused or we always concentrate and trying to making the internet become the good industry .


Arief R
The Honesty
On Educational Record

I think that I am sorry that I am not making some limited on the educational record on internet bujt I have to be honest and we all have to be honest on giving the CV around our professional thing and I think that I just want to be honest about my educational record and thank you !


Arief R
The Course
Of Boutroes Institute

I think that I should be giving my apreciation to Mr Jerry Yang that excally that I ever had the course on botrous institute but without the certificate but I all my knowledge about the company activity had been learned on botrous institute and I was tutor by Mr pertrus J loyani but this is all objective about my education record and that this all that I clearen about the boutrous institute and I was convest that even this is not such magister but this is good to increasing the ability to manage the company and this very usefull on internet activity .


Arief R
The Industry
And Conflict Of Interest

I think that if we want to making some of the part industry that we should know how to avoid and manage something then this could be avoid conflict of interest .


Arief R
The Film Industry
And The Business Rule Of Film

I think that I know that I am not the expert about the movie but I think the most impotant thing is the owner of the film should be had good moral and I think that he should be expert on the movie industry and I think that they could product and understand about the industry from the making until distribustion and else and I think that the film should be catagories and I think that excally that consist of action , drama and else and should be always care to costumer and excally for Indonesia could be using for every Indonesian citizen including moslem and I think that this all and with the good rule the industry could be growing well without being force by every kind of matter .


Arief R

I think that you gonna like this games website and I hoping that every internet user could be earn many great games by visiting and I think that this could be check on your games list and enjoy your games .


Arief R

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

The Great Location
For Vacation

I think that excally that many great location on sukabumi and my brother want to be the tourist to sukabumi and many great location for vacation on sukabumi and I think that we could enjoy many great location and don,t forget to visit many great location on sukabumi and enjoy your vacation that could be giving you many inspiration on your trip and I think this could be making your stress was release .


Arief R
I mean with

I mean with
I mean
could not be

I mean could be
MY Opinion
About Removing Capital City

I think that I am disagree if the capital city of jakarta is had been removing because there is many stipulation to removing the capital city and I think this is difference with the internet cafe cases becuase of the I-internet cafe had been destroyed and could be repairing and I think that should be and we have to be removing the internet cafe to djaya net and we have no option beside removing into djaya net and I hoping that this could be understand to many internet user that we depend the internet cafe we all the tear and sweat that we could be doing and please understand but we all happy that internet could be growing well eventhough just for internet gaming and data and I and we all always be hoping that it could be rebuild but only god could do everthing that impossible in the world .


Arief R
The Good
Visitor On Sukabumi

I think this is my personal case but I think that all the internet user on sukabumi is my friend and I hoping and please except my wish and please look after and helping my brother that was in sukabumi and thank you for your help .


Arief R

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

The Panda Internet
Security 2011

I think that I just want to tell that you have to complete the installation data becuase if the file was corrupt then the panda could process the data and that is all and I hoping this could be usefull for the internet user and I think if you want to download data making sure that all data had been completed to making you easy using the software and using your e-scan carefully for all your comport especially for the moslem and that is all for your comfort when you surfing on the internet.


Arief R

Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

The Panda
Internet Security 2011

I think that this is a good news for the internet user that had the computer hardware specification around pentium 3 and the 128 Mb RAM and I think that you could using the panda internet security 2011 and this would be usefull for you and the feature is including parental control and I think that this internet security is around 70 MB or higher and I hoping this could be usefull for the internet user and I think with this could be helping many internet user and about the grafic of the panda internet security then you could search it on search engine and that is all and thank you !


Arief R

I think that this is a great games but I don,t know becuase we just seeing about the games is good becuase in this that you could playing many great heroes such batman and spiderman and mario that you could play in this games and I hoping this could be one of your references and taking this website adress on your games list and enjoy your games by visiting this new website games and have a nice try this cool website .


Arief R

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

The e-scan
And Next Internet Security

I think that we gonna be satisfied with the e-scan and we should be cancel all the experiment about internet security and waiting for the next new internet security that more better that e-scan and I think that this more better then guesting something that could be having much risk on your computer and I think that is all my opinion and if you are still willing doing it that I don,t responsible to all the risk that you gonna take .


Arief R
The Good Gamer

I think that every gamer had their own characteristic and I think that all gamer is good and I hoping that all of the gamer could be cooperating on team and I think that the most important thing on games industry .


Arief R