Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

The Internet employeeAnd
The Internet Infrastructure
On East Indonesia

I think that excally that we won,t be making much time but we have to consider many aspect if we want to making the internet infrastructure on east Indonesia province such Ambon and else until NTT or Nusa Tenggara Timur or Lombok and it might be in the other region of Indonesia side becuase internet is under on international law . I think the first thing is preparing the institution that would be the ISP of internet and second is choosing which would be the technopreneur that would be building the internet cafe and thirth find the employee such internet operator and else and the last find the person that could be internet officer and also the gamer that would be having the duty to developing the internet software and games and don,t forget to keeping the internet cafe still exist on that region becuase it had having much fund when we building the internet infrastructure and sorry that is all my opinion as personal blogger.


Arief R

The New
Version Of Java

I think that this is a great and wonderfull news for the many internet gamer that really like to playing the games with java platform and this is the new version of java and you gonna love this software games . I think that java version 6 updated 21 that would be giving many great experience on your games scene and please trying to download this software and easy and I think that you would be and familiar with this software games and enjoy games with java version 6 updated 21 as your favorite games software .


Arief R
The Motor And
The Good Condition Of Motor

I think that all about the vehicle is need to be steady and nice to be using and the most important of the vehicle is machine and the spare part and also the tired and all about the tired component and I think that this is hard to be mention but if you want to having the good vehicle and please contact and always checking your vehicle and always be keeping your vehicle on good condition .


Arief R

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

The Internet User
And The Clothes

I think that I am sorry about my article and I think that I hoping that internet writter and internet employee and other that I could not mention please be creative and if after the internet was success and please buy the clothes in manywhere if you had your religion day and your nation day please buy the clothes in many where but should be good vendor and thank you and I am sorry about my article .


Arief R
The Good
Internet Writer

I think that in many way that we could be had some trouble in many field such language etc but I think that all internet writter and internet employee is good and if there is any mistake that I made and I think that all of the internet employee is need to be doing their duty as well and that would be making the internet good and growing well and making the internet had many fund to making the progress the hardware and software or we can called it the internet infrastructure and the internet prosperity and could be usefull for all the internet employee and that is all and growing your potention with internet .


Arief R
The Deep Sympaty
To Pakistani People

I would like to giving my deep sympaty to pakistani people and excally that the mosson it could not predictable and I think I just want to giving my deep sympaty to pakistani people and I think all about the personal matter then I don,t want to discuss about that but about the recruitment of employee that head office and all the director staff that had autority to choosing about the employee and that is all and I hoping that this could be usefull for internet user especially on India .


Arief R

The Media
To Send Document And Data

I think that there is many media to send document and data such by e-mail , by fax and by mail letter and we are greatfull that today that the media could be transfer by many media and that is up to the costumer to choosing the media that they want to send the document or data .


Arief R

The Hardware
upgrade and The computer quality

I think that that is hard to making the great and very wonderfull computer but I think that we are trying hard to making the computer and the internet is easy to using by every internet user and I think that we better waiting and hoping that it could be found another software and we could playing the internet and we could be using the computer for better browser .


Arief R

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

The Possible
Of e-scan repairing

I think that there is two possible solution to repairing the internet by using e-scan and the first is internet optimalization and we can using speed internet xp optimalization or using cc cleaner becuase if the cookies is gone need to be repair the cookies and the internet could be back to normal if we using this program .


Arief R

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

The Reading

I think that I am sorry excally you better asking your islamic teacher about how to read istigfar and I think that I am still good moslem and it might be trying another pray to making your behaviour as good and with good behaviour that would lead you to be good moslem .


Arief R
I mean

I mean after

I think that mention about the online games such MMORPG and that I would discuss more about internet games and this is gonna be the good news for internet user and please check and visit and you gonna playing many games feature and I hoping this could be usefull for you the internet games especially for the gamer and please visit and enjoy your games .


Arief R
Of Online Games

I think that if you want to playing the online games and this is real top and you need to be supporting by the teacher of online games or MMORPG and I think that you better learning about the process to enter the online games and strategic to playing into online games and how to increasing your ability and badge and taking higher level on the online games or MMORPG such point blank and else and I think about the cost please asking the teacher and about the training and playing of course the cost is depend on the student that want learning about MMORPG such point blank and that is all and I hoping this could be usefull for gamer . I think that you better the good teacher that I could not mention and please ask the djaya operator .


Arief R

Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

The Great Games
On DUal core and 256 Mb RAM
I think that you could play on processor dual core and 256 Mb RAM and I hoping this could be a nice news for many internet user and I hoping that many internet user could playing in many website games such yahoo and java-gaming and so on and enjoy your games .
Arief R
The Pray
For Grand Mother

I think that this is all about my personal case and I hoping to all the internet user that please be praying for grandmother that she would be giving the health and I hoping that she could recover back and I am sorry if there is any article that hurt some internet user and thank you for all your support .


Arief R
The SAM Sukuk

I think that the sam sukuk and all samuel investment product is good and I think that samuel had trusted enough and good in handle the fund of the costumer and I think that samuel keeping the good image and still loyal to costumer and always nice and profitable on the investment .


Arief R
The Internet Cafe
And Any Telecomunication Tools

I just want to announce that there is the internet cafe that provide the telecomunication tools such telepon and fax and else and there is any internet cafe that had been using for seeing many great games and software and that is all up to the internet user and that you all know about your need .


Arief R

Senin, 26 Juli 2010

The Good
Internet Software

I think that we are glad that internet had achieve many good software and thank god that all the internet software and many achievement that we could achieve on internet software and I think that we all hoping the best for internet and the software industry and I am sorry if there is any mistake on my article .


Arief R
The Good Internet

I think that internet is depending on the internet user and I think that I was very impresse to all good internet user and good gamer and I hoping that internet could become the good tool to increasing the people knowledge about internet and computer and thank you for your trust to internet and I hoping that there is any newest games software or great games online for all of you kid as the great internet gamer and I am sorry if there is any mistake on internet and thank you to playing internet games and still study and learn and still playing the internet games as well .


Arief R

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

The Error Fix
And The Software Register

I think that I am sorry about my last article but I hoping that you understand and I think eventually that I want to discuss about error fix and software register but I think becuase of the problem that I could not mention about that and with the error fix and hopely that we could using the e-scan internet security but could access many internet feature but I am sorry because excally e-scan need to be repair and it isn,t complete yet but it is ok becuase of the needed of internet security that it lauching first and I hoping that tomorrow we gonna discuss about error fix .


Arief R
The Time
To Read Istigfar

I think according to the book that the time to read istigfar is morning and evening and excally on dhuha and ashar after praying and that is all I hoping this could be usefull for the user .


Arief R
The Structure
Of Reading Istigfar

I think that I was mention before about istigfar and in this chapter we gonna learn about the structure of reading istigfar and this is about the stucture of reading istigfar and example for the first is shalawat to rasullah is illa hadrotin nabi mustofa muhammad SAW al fatihah and etc and second is reading syayidul istigfar is allahumma anta rabbi laa illaha illa anta kholaqtani wa anna abduka wa anna ala abdika wa wa dika mas tatho'tu a u'zubika min syarra ma shoba'tu a buu u laka bi niqmatika allaya wa a buu u laka bi zambiyyi faqfirlii fa innahu laa taqfirru zunnuba illa anta and read istigfar astaqfirullah al azim min kulli zambin azim wa attubu illahi wa laa haula wa laa quawata illa billaahil alliyyil azzim and subhana rabbi kal rabbi izzati amma yaa syifun wa salammun alla mursyalin wal hamduillahi rabbil 'alamin . I think that is a little knowledge that I know about istigfar and thank you !


Arief R
How To Read

I think that I am sorry about my article and this is all about my opinion and I have just want to be giving my little knowledge about Islam and about istigfar and I think that in this article is pure about my personal matter . I think in this world that all kind of human being had some mistake and all the greatness and all the might is only prerogative by the god and I think as the moslem if we had some mistake to the god I think that we had to trying to pray and always saying istigfar . I think that according to the book DR Khalid Abu Syadi if we want to praying or reading istifgar the first one is shalawat to rasulallah , reading syaidul istigfar and reading istigfar and then read the last pray and this and that would be continue in the next chapter and I think that is all objective about istigfar .


Arief R

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

The Commintment
Keeping The Internet Games Cafe

I think that I am sorry about my last article but I hoping that all the internet user and especially that all the employee and the internet user that having the commitment to keeping the internet games cafe and that is all and I am sorry to my word and I hoping this could be usefull for many internet user in the world .


Arief R

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

The Relationship Between
Culture And Language

I think that we should know each other by the friendship and the friendship would be making the great advantage between the friend and that is all we know about how is important the friend and I think there is a relationship between friend and how that each individu in one world could know about the other and the answer is language but all language always be learning by the individu and that must be suitable with individu and I think there is no such individu that could understand about all language that might be could understand about language a then just understand a little about language b or c or d or f and so on and that is originaly becuase language always be influence by culture and also religion but that is all about language is depend on the individu but I think that if we want to having many friend and please learning about your friend language even with a little knowledge that you know .


Arief R
The Stock Market And
The International Fund Media

I think that the stock market and other instrument is the fast way to making and having the transaction and especially for the stock market and stock market is the easy way to making the acccess and making the fund could be easy to be exchanging around the stock market but unfortunely that the stock market is having the regulation according to the rule no 1 in year 2000 about stock market and with the rule could making stock market more profitable , legal and loyal to serve and growing the fund on the stock market and I hoping that stock market still could be the nice way to investing and making many great achievement to making the prosperity and happiness for side around the stock market professional thing .


Arief R

Kamis, 22 Juli 2010


I think that I mean ambon and else province .

I mean or
The Error Fix

I would like to making the answer about how to fix e-scan and excally that I am sorry becuase e-scan had many problem and need many upgrade to making it working as usual and I think that you need to install error fix and I think that you need to giving some proposal to cnet to making the trial mode ir freeware and error fix could solving your problem directly and hoping that it could be lauching soon and that is all the question about e-scan and the way to upgrading the internet explorer and mozilla firefox using error fix and I think that could be usefull to internet user on Ambon province .


Arief R
As The Great Games Website

I think that you should trying the and I think that you better trying this website games and I hoping that you would be like the games on and enjoy your games .


Arief R

I think that you better playing the HDAD or High Definition Audio Driver on internet games cafe and I think that you better trying this on internet games cafe and this could be making you more easy to playing the internet tv .


Arief R

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

And The Internet Utility

I hoping this could be usefull for you and be carefull when you using internet and I am sorry if any mistake in my article.


Arief R

The High Definition
Audio Driver

I think that if you want to accelating your internet videos and you could using HDAV and this software could making your yahoo videos that would be better and more faster then before and you could see many great videos with HDAV and enjoy your videos .


Arief R

The Internet Security
For Nod Eset 32

I think that after reading pc media that I know that there is any problem with the nod eset anti virus is this anti virus that could not except freeware from other flashdisk but the advantage and their ability to protect computer from virus is very high and I think the solution is making the internet security without ease the nod eset and this matter is on the programmer autority .


Arief R

The Hardware
Allocation Fund

I think that we should be thinking about the hardware allocation fund becuase if the internet tycon are focused on the internet industry should be thinking the hardware allocation fund becuase the internet always need to be repair or upgrade and the hardware allocation fund is being needed to making the good performance of internet games cafe and I think that is all and I am sorry in there is any inconvience thing about internet games cafe and that is all good for all of internet user .


Arief R

The freeonlinegames

I think that and I think that many great games that you could see and playing on freeonlinegames and I think that would be great for many internet gamer and I hoping this could be usefull for you .


Arief R
The Internet Cafe
And the locus of internet officer

I think that we need to making the locus od internet officer that I always affraid that that would be the conflict of interest if we didn,t making the rule or some agreement about the locus of internet officer and we need to making the time schedule to making the balance of the internet officer and also the gamer and many thing but I think we only had one purpose is to making the internet developing for many great internet product and that is all and I was making the amandement that the locus of chicago is mean the cililitan , cawang and bogor is still in difference area and different internet officer and I mean it .


Arief R
The Gadget

I think that the gadget technology is for everybody and I think that I am sorry that every good vendor had the right to developing the technology and I think that also including all the great company that developing the gadget of technology and that is all about technology gadget .


Arief R
About Rumour

I think that I just affraid about rumour and I think that I am focus on games for righ now and I am still focus on stock and internet but it is ok .


Arief R
The Im 3

I am little confius about Im3 and I don,t want to discuss but according to informer Im 3 is from 156 Senior high school and not from 54 Senior high school and this is hard becuase the name is similiar and excallu I don,t want discuss but in many case this could be danger becuase could be like luna maya cases but I don,t want to discuss more futher and I want to focus to discuss about games .


Arief R

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

My Opinion
About Im3

I think my opinion about Im3 and I don,t want to interfere about your personal problem .
My Appology
To All Attourney Departement

I would like to appology to all the attourney departement and I was impressing that if attourney departement always keeping their loyalty and with that then announce you and promise you to giving back your noble name as the individu or personal and as institution that I would declare you to all people of Indonesia that attourney employee and the institution is good institution and welcome back to internet cafe and to the all the informer stil could be go but please don,t giving any controversial information and that is danger and that is all for all my article .


Arief R
My Opinion
About soup advertize

I think that if the advertize is about soup advertize and that would be great becuase it won,t hurt any felling and it won,t hurt the name and the good name of the advertize artist or actress and that would be good scene .


Arief R
How To Buy
The Good Stock

I think that you should be careful when you buy or sell the stock and if you buy or sell your stock then your personal thing such your girlfriend or your wife would be belong to whom you sell your stock and I think that buy the good stock such ramayana and you would be earn your profit and your wife or your girlfriend would still your stock and I just want to announce that you should buy the stock such ramayana and buy the obligation syariah becuase they are good stock and your girlfriend still your girlfriend and your wife would still your wife and thank you and that is all .


Arief R
My Appreciation
To Xl Advertize

I think that I don,t want to discuss any controversial advertize but I appreciation to CL advertize because had good and selective to choose the advertize and I am sorry that I don,t want to discuss it more futher and xl could discripe the meaning even in difference way .


Arief R
The Zivilia

I think that I should appologize to all music explorer but as the music listener that I want to giving my opinion about music and I think the music is good but I don,t know the other and I just want to giving my opinion about Indonesian music and I think that zivilian song is good song and the music and the arrangement is ok and I think that all the music listener should listen and trying the music of zivilian song but this is objective about music and please no one think that this is about my last article and thank you and tomorrow that please asking the music explorer about what is the good music that you want to listen .


Arief R
The Announcement
Of Controversial Advertize

I was speaking in this article as personal blogger and after hearing and discussing to many side that I was forbidden all tv station to lauching the controversial advertize on tv becuase our tv in Indonesia had been spreading around the world and if we are wrong to lauching the advertize then I am affraid that interne user excally that really like watching Indonesian tv would be no more watching the internet tv anymore and I doing this becuase of listening to and I hoping that this could be obey to all station tv and I hoping your cooperation and thank you and if the tv station obey my wish then promise you to giving the internet access for all of you and thank you and I am sorry to Iranian people if there is any mistake from internet and thank you !

Personal Blogger


Arief R

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

The Internet Videos

I think that you gonna need some software to making your videos is more compy such cystal player and GOM Player and DS Player ,VLC and viplay or virtual play and you could seeing many great videos on yahoo news and if you want to making the gadget and that would be making by telkom or else such telkom and this could be a big opportunity and this could be inreasing the internet user that want to be seeing the internet news from and that is all and I hoping that could be usefull for internet user .


Arief R
The Kind Of

I think there is two kind of software the primary software and secondary software and I think for primary software such net. framework and other and secondary software such game booster and else and if we are looking from source of software then there is two kind of software the raw material software is the software is would be making the installer for applying the software and installer and this is directly guiding you to software that ready to using for your computer activity and that is all I know about software and I hoping a little my experience about software would be usefull for internet user .


Arief R
The Stipulation
As Internet Security Officer

I think that my last article is you are doing some hacking , craking or other activity that could making the system is broking but I think for any programmer that need to using the system is sometime it could be had a licence to do that . I just want to announce that if you want to be a internet security officer that you had to having a talent or knowledge about how to download some program and for any futher and if don,t understand the system that you should study about the system and hardware because software always counting on hardware but never mind in many condition the low hardware also had great experience on internet activity but many software I could not mention but it might be dr web but it isn,t easy to download it and in the previous chapter that would be any futher information about software .


Arief R
The Flashdisk
And Internet User

I think that if you want to play or browsing on the internet cafe that you gonna need the tools and flashdisk is the one of the media that helping your saving your program and I think if you are the gamer and I think that you only need 2 Gb for your flashdisk and if you are the internet programer or internet security officer that you gonna need 4 Gb for your flashdisk becuase you gonna need to saving your anti virus and other internet security program to making your internet safe from any treat and if you are the IT staff and defending the internet security system you gonna need 8 Gb for your flashdisk and I want to warn you something if you are using this article to any cyber crime that would be punish ans would being catagories as crime and don,t worry if you are using internet nicely .


Arief R

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

The Cystal Player
And GOM 2.05 player

I think that if you want to had this software you gonna buy the pc media and you gonna had this program and excally we want to providing this on the cnet but I think that is up to cnet company and please contact mr jerry yan about this matter and back to topic cystal player and GOM 2.05 player could making the HD videos format is faster then before and beside that there is many videos software such media portal but this would be need net framework 3.5 and I think this is the new software of net framework and I hoping this could be usefull for many internet user .


Arief R

My Appology
About My Article

I think that I am sorry about my article and I think that we need to making the good videos for yahoo and the internet user could see many internasional event and I think that internet could be stable after Mr Obama win the election but I think that Mr Obama is good politician and I hoping that internet could using for many activity and also islamic activity becuase the eletricity is stable .


Arief R
Olga Saputra
The Real Good Comedian

I think that olga saputra is real good comedian and he so comedian man until before olga had doing his free real comedian action that I will laugh if I seeing his face but thank you anyway olga saputra and you give me an inspiration and thank you for your help becuase you give me spirit to back to get my activity as internet writter .


Arief R

The Game sheed .com

I think the most important thing of games seed that if you want to play the games that you have to be opened another entri or window and this gonna be process your data and play your games and this also provide the great games such armor games and else and this could be making the user more interesting to playing on the internet cafe .


Arief R
My Appology
To IM3

I think that I am too supicious to Im 3 and I am sorry that after I look down the phone the name is not located on Unkris and I think that is all about IM3 and you all good person and I am sorry if any my article would be hurting you and thank you and sorry for all the thing I have done .


Arief R
The Advant
And Slim Browser

I think that if you want to trying the good and nice browser that you could using the advant and slim browser and I think this would be good and I don,t know for e-scan but I think that it could be using kaspersky and I hoping this could be using for advant and slim browser .


Arief R

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

The Browser
And The Internet Security

I think that I am sorry but I do my best on the e-scan security that could be using for many internet activity and even playing the games . I think for the other online activity on e-scan that always be support by the cookies but some of e-scan could be using for online writting but I hoping that the internet user should be patient and trying to using it well and after you could using it and always using the internet security well probably that could be another browser that safe and could be using for writting on blogspot.


Arief R

I think that you would be like this website games and I think that is the best way and solution and this could be put on your list to be playing the great games in many form such flash and so on with this website games and enjoy your games.


Arief R
The Submission
To God And Obey The Rule Of Islam

I am sorry that I just want to say please except my deep sympaty to all the victim in Iran and I think there is a meaning behind the disaster and the disaster would not be happed without the god willing . I think that if obey the god and the rule of our religion and especially the Islam and we would be survive and if we against the rule of god and the rule of Islam that would be a disaster and excally that I also be worry becuase that I think that I don,t deserve to discuss about Islam becuase that it might be any sin and mistake in my live as moslem but I hoping that god and Allah would always guide me as the good moslem and let us continue our submission to Allah and doing his command and avoiding all his forbiden rule and I hoping this could be usefull for the user and also for me and may Allah always be guide my live .


Arief R
My Appology
About My article

I think about slay and I didn,t mean it .
My Appology
About IM 3 case

I think that I am sorry but I think all this problem is between Im3 and Slay Olay but I am sorry becuase I think that I Im 3 and olay do not involve me on the bad situation becuase that would caused many problem including could be slay the person . I hoping that Im3 understand and do not making any controversial advertize and I am sorry and please except my sorry becuase Im3 had a twin sister on Unkris that I could not mention this .


Arief R
My Appreciation
Around The Internet Software

I think that we all be great and I hoping that we should be glad that our games is having the good progress and I hoping that our games industry could be developing as soon as possible .


Arief R
My Commitment
On Internet And Stock

I think that I had to be declare that I still had my big commitment on internet and stock and I declare that I still had to funding my fund on samuel security and I hoping that we could be better in the next future time and I hoping that internet could be developing as well . I was geatfull and I was appreciating the commitment of samuel security to be my lovely security .


Arief R
My Opinion
About Tempo

I think that every newspaper is need to be know about etic of journalizm and I think in making the news always obey the rule and I think about the tempo is need to be appology with the police becuase the police is good institution and always serving the people on everyday , everynight and every hour and time thus tempo should know about how to writing the newspaper and always be carefull when writting the article and thank you and I hoping that tempo could understand my article .


Arief R

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

The Stipulation
To Be Internet woman employee

I think that I want to appology if my article and I just want to announce that if there is a woman employee that want to be the internet woman employee should be had good behaviour and had a ability and always be had dedication and thank you to all the good employee that supporting internet and for all you the good internet employee and I hope you welcome home to joining us developing the internet . Allright thank you and sorry to all my article and these are all the stipulation to be internet employee .


Arief R

Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

The Book
Discussion Forum

I think that we should using the internet for the good activity such making the discussin forum and the most important thing is the book discussion forum about with many vary topic such social , culture and even about religion and especially for history and with learning about history that people would know about the true story of history and I am sorry but the history should be on their track to tell the true fact of history .


Arief R
The Appology
Of My Last Article

I am sorry with my last article and I think that all the employee and all the internet user and I mean the woman internet user should be a good woman and with good personality becuase with good personality the woman could helping and together with the man to build the country for generally and internet for specificly and I am sorry and I hope that everybody understand about me and I hope you the best .


Arief R
The Autority
Around The Internet Cafe
On Chicago

I think that after seeing and considering about everthing that I think about the internet autority around chicago and I mean cilitan , cawang and bogor that I would be giving to the PGC and Ramayana and the internet cafe around unkris always be using for playing online games , kungfu and watching the stock and if the autority around the bekasi is good that I consider to giving autority to local government and including the internet cafe in west java would be giving to the person that I know about their dedication and faith around internet and that is all and thank you and this is my decision around that autority .


Arief R
The Mozilla Firefox
For e-scan Internet security

I think that you should be patient and I think that you have better used mozilla firefox for e-scan internet security . I am sorry for article but I have to giving my personal opinion and thank you !


Arief R

The Virtual

I think this is a brand new of browser and the name is virtual browser and I am sorry becuase this software has not been examinating on the computer and we hoping that this browser could be using for mozilla firefox and e-scan internet security and I hoping this could be usefull for user . However the byte is too high around 100 Mb but I hoping this could be implementing soon and could be using for and hopely !


Arief R

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

The I-internet
Cafe Cases

I think that excally I don,t have bo choice that we had to closing the I-internet cafe and I am sorry if we have to do that and we appreciating the I-internet cafe that probably located on pekayon and sorry if any mistake on this case . However I think that we want to recover the I-internet cafe but had some problem with fund but I hoping if there is any supporting fund is pure want to helping internet and I am sorry and I didn,t want to making some controversation but I hoping that every internet user on Unkris could know about our problem and hopely that would be the helper and nice helper and hope and pray that it could be opening soon and sorry if this article had a little mistake in this article . I just want to announce that we never had making reaction without no action .


Arief R

The e-scan
Internet Security

I think that if you want to using the e-scan and please don,t using any anti virus and becuase they are providing their own anti virus and if please using the games software and if you want to play the online games that I should tell you and check up the yahoo games and then you could play the online games with pentium II and 128 Mb RAM and enjoy your games . However this e-scan internet security could not be using for and hopely there is any software that could solving this problem . Thank You and I hope this could be usefull for the internet user!


Arief R

The computer
Tune Up Utility System

I think that I should be revisi about my article and I was relize that speedy is more better for gaming and this good for many internet product and I think for making the better computer and I think that we just only using the tune up utility system and because the firetune is need to be carefull to implementing and that would be treat the ISP industry .


Arief R
The Firefox
Tune Up

I think that if there is any problem with minimum requirement that we could using firefox tune up and is using for making the firefox or the computer system is more compy to use and I think this could be usefull for many internet user and this could be helping the internet user that had a low spech and this gonna be a great software to upgrade the computer ability and upgrade the computer accelarating system .


Arief R

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

The Download
Games And Online Games

I think that excally the download games is nice and good games but excallt the download games always be formatted into trial games and I think that would be a good business opportunity is changing some of download games into online games and this could be interesting and interact many gamer to play to the online website games but as usually those games would be developing by the autority games owner and I think need to be cooperating but in the positive way to developing the online games industry . However I think that there is many online games is had product or chaging the download games into online games and I hoping that it could be implementing even in the small portion .


Arief R

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

The I-Internet
Cafe Location

I think that I want to declare that it might be Internet cafe is moving to pekayon but I don,t know excally but according the trusted source it was moving to pekayong and that is all and I am sorry for all the inconvience but I think that is the similiar as the operator of I-internet cafe is moving ip and it might be in the difference area but this could be good for all .


Arief R
The Malware Byte
Anti MAlware Software

I think that if you had the problem with virus and malware you could using malware byte and bid defender and those both software is the great anti virus and anti malware and this could be and directly deleted your trojan and virus and I think that this could be usefull for you for your computer security system .


Arief R

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

The Malware
And Virus On Djaya Net

I think that all the malware and virus and spyware on the computer on djaya net had been deleted but I think the problem is on software but don,t worry only just one computer and the other is ok and I think that you have to be patient becuase the hardware is on trouble but if the hardware could be repairing and all the computer on djaya net would be ok . I think that is all and thank you for your reading this article .


Arief R

The Games

I think for the violence catagories need the parent consulting !

The Games

I think that purposing of kaspersky is making the games catagories . I just want to announce to all the gamer and especially for kid if you found the violence please don,t opening the catagories and for any user that teenager or else and I think that you will know what is that suitable for you on the games catagories and that is all that I want to discuss on this article and only for the kid around 10 until 18 year that could playing this catagories .


Arief R

I think that you gonna be like this website games and this website could be a list on your games playlist . I think the would be interesting website games and please visit the and enjoy your games .


Arief R

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010


I think that website is and this would be a nice website games and I am sorry and this is the revision is and check games and chosse your games genre such action and else .


Arief R

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

The Movie Rental

I think that I am sorry if I am seldom rental the videos and since the yahoo is changing that I think that I should be focused on games but I think that many side that still relating to internet are gonna rental the movie and excally if I should rental the movie I would be like the movie that suitable for me and that is all my statement about and thank you !


Arief R

I think that you gonna be like this website games and www. had provide many great games and I think that you should trying and enter this website on your list when you want to playing the online games . I think that even this is not MMORPG but it is still be cool and I think that all games is nice and good for making you understand and this could be your skill and you want to find the professional thing especially the IT industry and with playing the games then you also playing the computer but we could be playing in many games console and enjoy your games .


Arief R
The Aster
Movie Rental

I think that I just want to announce that excally that I am the member of Aster movie rental and I don,t want to humaliating any movie rental but I am not the member of ultra movie rental anymore and for any of kind of a little problem and I think that I am sorry and I didn,t want to discuss it more futher and this is my statement of movie rental and I think that aster had better behaviour and this is all objective and I don,t have any purpose to making this statement .


Arief R

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

The Good Operator
Of I-Internet Cafe

I mean the good operator of I-internet cafe is my good fellow .

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

The Transfering
Employee Of I-Internet Cafe

I think that if my offer is too heavy for many ship or cargo company that I hoping that would you except my good employee from I-internet cafe as your employee before repairing the I-internet cafe I would like greatfull and really pure to helping the cargo company and I hoping more bigger in the next future time and thank you and please except my offering letter . I hoping that if the cargo company had internet games cafe please except my letter .


Arief R
The Bid Defender
Minimum Requirement

I am sorry that I am not explaining about the minimum requirement of bid defender and the minimum requirement is 1 Ghz processor and 1 Gb RAM and I think that this is wonderfull becuase this could be using in many internet browser such lunascape .


Arief R

The Procesdure
Of Using Weapon

I think in many field of law and defencing activity always be relating to the weapon and I think that we are understand that all of our tools and our uniform had been funding from the people and we had the responsible to the people . I think that we won,t using the weapon unless our lives is under treat and all the weapon in many form only be using if our lives is under attack . I think that there is two kind of weapon the gun and the blade or even samurai and that is only using if our lives is under treat and we never using if there is no any treat from every side that nice to us .


Arief R

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Congratulation To Mr Comoronowsky
As New Poland President

Congratulation to Mr Comoronowsky as the new president of poland and I hoping that poland could be always joining together to developing the IT industry and congratulation to you and be a good president of Poland .


Arief R


I think that you would be like to visiting or and many great games that you could play on the your computer and I hoping that you will like this website games and enjoy your games .


Arief R

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

The e-scan
Internet security

I think that this is a good news for many internet user that had a hardware specification around processor pentium 2 and 64 Mb RAM until 128 Mb RAM could be using the e-scan internet security and I think this e-scan also being the internet total protection that protect computer from virus and else and if you could also using super anti spyware to prevent your computer from any other treat and please waiting until it would be done and if there is any serial number please check trial and then using the web protection then start and then checking the setting and please choose teenager or child or please read by yourshelf what is the spell and enjoy your games and don,t forget using your games software and that is all and O hoping this could be usefull for internet user.


Arief R
The Responsiblity
From Sail Company Around I- Internet Cafe

I am sorry that I don,t mean to making some controversial statement about I-Internet Cafe and all the internet tools has been destroying and need to be repairing all and it would be need much time to be repairing but I think that is ok and I was greatfull becuase all the internet user had great loyality to their professionalizm and thank you for supporting and all together to be internet user and always be patient in the best or worse of internet condition and hopely that it could be recover soon and back as I-internet cafe as usual and still visiting djaya net .


Arief R
The Function
Of Translator

I would to appology about my article and I was greatfull and I think that goggle translator is good website and I hoping that with this website that we could learn each other and trying to understand each other . I think that every nation had their own language and every language is could be usefull for getting communication and I hoping that internet user could understand each other and even ibrani or israel language is also exist on goggle .com and I hoping that if there is any matter with language and please using this website .


Arief R
My Appology
About My article

I appology about my article and my relationship with Japan is still good and we hoping that it could be growing internet and thank you to Japan and sayonara .
The Good
Employee In China

I think that china employee is good and they are intelegent and good employee and always respect the law and etic and always having good behaviour and good action when they express their opinion and I hoping that china economy more growing in the future becuase they have a good citizen and always polite when they express something .


Arief R
The New Games

I think that excally armor games is great website games and I think that would be wonderfull to play the nice new games on and I hoping that could be usefull for internet user and I am sorry if there is any article that mistake on my article but I think that I am doing the true and that is all for all my mistake article .


Arief R

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

The e-scan
Internet Security

I think I just want to announce excally there is a internet security with parental control and the minimum requirement that had provide the hardware with processor pentium II and RAM around 64 Mb until 128 Mb and we will trying to install this internet security that around 122 Mb and I hoping this could be usefull for the internet user .


Arief R
The Minimum Requirement
Of Internet Security

I think that if you want to access the internet security that should be 256 Mb and I have been looking for many internet security there is no internet security that around 128 Mb and just for anti virus and if you want to access internet security please upgrade your hardware especially for RAM .


Arief R
The Minimum Requirement
Of Mc Affee Total Protection

I just want to announce excally the minimum of mc affee total protection is 1 Ghz processor and 256 Mb RAM and this could be access and using mc affee total protection and I hoping this could be usefull for many internet user that had the specification and hardware as I mention above my article . I think that is all and for the anti virus then you could using many software such pc tool and super spyware and I hoping this article could usefull for the internet user .


Arief R

I think this is a good news for internet games mania . I think that if you like arcade games this website would be one of your destination to play . I think that that might be a good website for you . I just wanr to noting something that if you want to play the internet games that you should always using internet security but I think that it is uo to you but excally for moslem user that I suggest to using the internet security and you gonna enjoy the good games and great experience when you play the online games .


Arief R

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

The Heavy

I think that every internet games mania would be like this games . I think that is good thing and many good games feature that you could find on this www.heavy that would be like this games website and I hoping this could be your reference when you want to playing the internet online games especially for internet games mania .


Arief R

The Micro SD
As The Saving File Hardware

I think that after the IT industry had developing as the consumer basic need and in the IT industry and the computer industry as we know that the saving data or file hardware is the one of the basic need of many programmer in the world . I think that the gadget is growing as the internet industry activity . Therefore that many internet sciencetist had developing the HP , Blackbery and other gadget and the newest one is android . However the gadget is also need the software that supporting their internet activity . I think the most important thing if we want to playing the internet games then we gonna need some flash player , java and else then if we want to watching videos we need silverlight , GOM player and else and also internet security thus the micro SD is the saving file hardware that probably could be using on the gadget becuase micro SD is inisial from Save disk that could be making your gadget full with many internet feature that you could using on your original PC and I hoping that it could be usefull for user from my little opinion about micro SD .


Arief R

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

The UN
On Somalia

I think that if there is any critical cases on one country and if there is a conflict between two nation and that would be need the international law . I think for many international law always be look after or taking care by the UN secretary general . I think that the situation on somalia is about vacum of power becuase there no king , leader or even president on somalia . I think that the solution is mediator from UN and making some reconsiliation and reconstuction on somalia but I think this about intern cases of somalian country and the answer is from the people of somalia that whether choose referendum or election or else and I am sorry that I just want giving my opinion and there is no purpose to interfere the somalian political condition . I think the first article is based on the international book laws about definition of international laws .


Arief R
My Appreciation
To Game

I would like to say my big appreciation to game and I hoping that the internet games could be still be exist because of the information of game and I hoping that internet games industry and other games industry still could be good and always be exist and could be increasing on the next future time and I was proud and giving my big impressing that you are doing your professional as well and hopely that internet industry could be growing well at this recent time and hopely still could be exist on the next future time and I am sorry becuase this article is pure about internet .


Arief R

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

The Mc Affee
Total Protection

I think that if you want to using the mc affee total protection is nice internet security and if you forget to editing your program that mc affee would be removing your program and you could using the internet and surfing the internet nicely and happy using mc affee total security that suitable for the Pc that had 1 Ghz and 1 Gb RAM and I hoping this could be usefull for the internet user .


Arief R
Super Anti Spyware

I think that if you want to using ATI and I think that would be enough as anti virus , malware and spyware becuase ATI anti virus is for internet user and activity and ATI is complete and had a good resistance to all internet treat and I think if you want to using the internet security and with no ATI then you could using super anti spyware to making it and prevent the computer to all internet treat and enjoy your surfing on the internet .


Arief R

My Appology
About My Article

I would like to appology but I hoping that every internet user should be patient and I am sorry excally that I am not as bad as you think then I know everybody and every internet user want to be active and being involve on internet industry but I hoping that every internet user learn how to speak and learn about etic and how to express your idea on the internet public service becuase this internet that you writting ar home could be read with the whole world internet user and please be carefull when you write the article on net and let we laughing together ha,ha,ha . That is all about internet security for processor 1 Ghz and 1 Gb RAM you could using mc afee total protection but please fill in the first one and filling your e-mail and password then you could using the internet security that called mc affee total security and I am sorry to my word .


Arief R
The Cronology
Of I-Internet Cafe

I just want to announce that the destroying of I-internet cafe excally becuase of pirating and that is began when the somalian pirate doing the pirating to all the cargo ship and making all the cargo ship is being destroying becuase of losing many ship . In fact and according to my obligation that I won,t helping them but there is some person or any side that always trying to making me helping them and becuase of the pirating is never be stoping by the ship company then the pirating is being intruding the internet but unfortunely that it can be stoping and still good and I don,t want to making some intrict or else but excally that I am still always doing my obligation as the internet practicion but I hoping that every side didn,t blame me on the I-internet cafe cases but I am confiusing that total that helping us adding some fund to us and no one of cargo shipbeing repairing our internet games cafe that had been destroying by the pirate . There is all my convest around I-internet cafe . I think my reason that in the previous time when the stock increasing of stock increasing is ship company and I don,t know where is the money come from and it might be from Japan .


Arief R